Annual quotas
We would like to give you as a customer some explanations on the subject of annual quotas. We are often approached and asked whether we also offer fixed annual quotas, in order to be able to offer our customers better prices through larger quantities of an article. Of course this is possible for us. However, we do not work with such quotas with purchase quantities per year that are regulated by contracts.
That means, you need for example a yearly contingent of an article of 100.000 pieces. However, you would like to purchase only smaller quantities throughout the year - for example 5000 pieces per order - but for the lower price for the total purchase quantity of 100.000 pieces. In this case we will always make you an offer for 5000 pieces and for 100.000 pieces.
If you order only 5000 pieces, you will get them at the price for the purchase quantity of 5000 pieces. The last order of the individual orders, which then make the 100.000 pieces full, we charge you the difference within the last contingent order, so that you receive again the total reduced unit price for 100.000 pieces.
There is a reason for this. We often got involved in such requests of 100.000 pieces. We then offered our customers a good price for this quantity. But then only 10000 pieces were ordered as a total contingent over the year, not 100.000 pieces as agreed. To avoid this problem in the future, we now offer our customers the solution described above.
Here is our example for better understanding:
Annual purchase quota:
100.000 pcs - cost per piece 0,89 Euro = 89.000 Euro
1. order 20.000 of 100.000 pieces directly = unit price 0,93 Euro
2. order 20.000 of 100.000 pieces directly = unit price 0,93 Euro
3. order 20.000 of 100.000 pieces directly = unit price 0,93 Euro
4. order 20.000 of 100.000 pieces directly = unit price 0,93 Euro
5. and last order of 20.000 pieces = 0,73 Euro
In the last order you get the price offset, so that you have paid again a unit price of 0,89 Euro for 100.000 pieces.
Thank you for your understanding!

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