Spring cotter pins are locking elements that can be inserted via recesses of bolts or holes. In this way the spring cotter pin quickly secures entire components. Steel or stainless steel is used in the production of the spring cotter pins.
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3. The production of spring cotter pins
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Spring cotter pins belong to the large family of axial retaining elements and are therefore a safety element. Spring cotter pins made of metal, especially steel or stainless steel, are today a stock element in all areas of the industrial economy, i.e. in the manufacturing segment and even in the private sector, which can be classified as reusable. In this article, we would like to take a closer look at the following points regarding Spring cotter pins pins and go into them in more detail. This includes the different areas of application of Spring cotter pins pins and the different materials that can be considered for production. We would like to give you a closer look at the exact structure of Spring cotter pins pins and of course the production of such special safety elements. We would like to start with the construction of a remote connector. Here it is very important to mention that this safety element, which can be used for axial locking, requires an operation and application which does not require external help, i.e. no tools. A split pin, for example, is a permanent securing element that can only be applied and removed with the aid of tools. A Spring cotter pins pin is one that is formed into a clamp-like structure which must be produced under pretension. In this case, the straight element, which ends in a double loop and is continued as a straight element and then ends as a small hook. This small hook or short radius is responsible for the Spring cotter pins pin to engage. The pre-tension is important so that the element can remain securely on a pin without falling off or slipping out by itself. The springing of the Spring cotter pins pin is designed and made possible by the wire which is bent twice all around and then finally needs to be hardened. The use of stainless steel Spring cotter pins or steel spring cotter pins is designed for two different possibilities. On the one hand, this part is designed and constructed in such a way that a cross hole is drilled completely through within a bolt and the Spring cotter pins must be inserted there with the straight part until the small hook engages over the bolt radius. The second possibility of attaching a Spring cotter pins is that there is a groove in a bolt or shaft and the Spring cotter pins is clipped into this groove. The standard materials used in industry and model making are nickel-plated steel Spring cotter pins. However, in recent years, there has been an increasing change in the materials used, with a switch from steel to stainless steel. Stainless steel for spring cotter pins offers serious advantages. On the one hand, it is rustproof and can be used everywhere. Indoors and outdoors. However, if you want to use spring cotter pins on boats and yachts, you should switch to V4A instead of V2A. Only this material is absolutely resistant to salt water.
Our stock program of spring cotter pins - buy online in our online shop

In the previous article, we were able to tell you a few things about the areas of application of
spring cotter pins made of metal (stainless steel and steel), as well as the material properties of these axial retaining elements. These plugs are used in the industry, for example, for hoods and covers to enable quick closing and opening without tools. Of course, there are many other applications of spring cotter pins, but we will not list all of them here. The common wire thicknesses of spring cotter pins include 2 mm, 3 mm, 4 mm and 5 or 6 mm. From 6 mm on, an application without tools becomes quite difficult, because the wire diameter makes the function more and more difficult and the spring effect more and more difficult. Stainless steel spring cotter pins are only offered to our customers for a few years, as we had not included such special axial retaining elements in our product range before. But today we offer our customers a wide range of spring cotter pins in all variations in our online shop and so we offer our customers the possibility to buy their spring cotter pins at a reasonable price in our online shop. It is also important to us that all the data that you deposit with us is secure enough and cannot be accessed by third parties. This state can only be achieved by switching the entire website to an encrypted basis, which means exactly that it is SSL encryption. We made this change some time ago and so you can now order your spring cotter pins securely from us. Your data will no longer be able to be accessed by third parties when your order is transferred from the online shop to the merchandise management system. While we are already on the subject of security, we would also like to point out how an ideal purchase process should take place in our shop, so that your order can be processed quickly and thus be shipped. Certainly we may also welcome you, because you have found us via one of the search engines by using the search word "spring cotter pin". Now you have all the time in the world to put together all your desired spring cotter pins in the quantity you require and put them in your shopping cart. Once this first order process is completed, you have the opportunity to create your customer account with us. Please enter all your shipping data and your invoice data. Likewise, we also need an email to communicate with you. If this second step is also completed, the third step will follow. If you now want to finish the purchase of your spring cotter pins, you will be offered a choice of payment options and you can choose the one that suits you best. Then complete the purchase of the spring cotter pins by your payment! If the payment was successful, you will receive an order confirmation about the purchase.
The production of spring cotter pins